Salsa Chicken Casserole will take dinner to a whole new level. With a quick stir-fry, this casserole can be on the table in under 30 minutes. Perfect on...
I decided to give this dish a Maryland twist filled with lump crab meat and a surprise crumble on top, but no matter which cheese, noodle, or crumble you...
When you want a seafood dish that is hearty enough to satisfy any meat-eater, reach for this one. A simple swordfish steak is seared and then elevated...
Yakitori literally means grilled chicken and also refers to skewered food in general. Enjoy this sweet and irresistible chicken and scallion skewers (negima)...
These lightly spiced, juicy meatballs are the perfect weeknight meal, especially for kids and fussy eaters. Meatballs can be made ahead so that dinner...
This is a simple pasta recipe: strip two ears of corn, sauté the kernels in butter with scallions, purée the mixture into a sauce, then toss it with...
My take on local Hawaiian-style chili here actually shocks me! It was a staple meal for me while I resided in Hawai'i and has been a favorite meal of mine...
Italian Meatballs are part of the Bible of Italian food. Meatballs are one of those dishes you simply MUST learn how to make, and once you find a recipe...
These Vietnamese Rice Paper Wraps are a wonderfully healthy and fresh alternative to deep-fried spring rolls. Gone are the days of slaving around a pot...
Combined with the brightness of mixed citrus, creamy white beans and soft caramelized fennel, this citrus fennel whole roasted fish is a feast for the...
A recipe by Vegetarian Times: "You don't need red sauce to make a great pizza. Paired with a parmesan and mozzarella white sauce, broccoli and cremini...
Throughout the Middle East, tenderized grape leaves are wrapped around fillings of rice, vegetables of the region, resulting in a satisfying, savory finger...
Vodka sauce is essentially a creamy tomato sauce, except, it includes a good amount of vodka, hence the name, and fewer herbs. This sauce is not only perfect...
The chicken will almost resemble Chinese Bourbon chicken. It's sweet, it's salty, and with the tang of the onions and fragrance of the ginger and garlic,...
This steak salad gives the word 'salad' a whole new meaning. You'll find no boring lettuce here, instead, we have iron-rich kale, tossed simply in warm...
There is nothing more that I want on a chilly fall day than a comforting meal, and this my friends is what it takes to warm you and your taste buds up....
The addition of a small amount of miso enriches the broth, giving it a more full-bodied flavor. And using fresh pasta in place of the typical dried noodles...
What happens when you have a bottle of sweet chili sauce, a lime, soy sauce and ginger? It becomes every flavor you need in one bite, hitting the sweet,...
Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans are big on this classic recipe. We vary a bit but the end result is very similar. These are usually served as a side...
Chicken roasted with a layer of mustard, was incredibly moist and delicious, the flavors of thyme, garlic and lemon permeating the meat. And the fix -...
The easy homemade blend of herbs & spices is the ideal seasoning for Salmon and other meats. Smoky and charred with a little kick of heat, topped with...
This Italian Beef Tagliata with Parmesan Cheese & Balsamic Glaze is a succulent juicy 12 hours marinated beef steak grilled to perfection over a bed of...
In 5 minutes, these arctic char fillets are cooked through, emerging with caramelized edges and skin glistening, ready to receive a citrus bath. Lots of...
This inspired Asian Salmon Recipe is an easy, healthy, uber-flavorful dish that's literally ready in minutes. The flavor for this pan fried salmon recipe...